Saturday Math
LIVE and FREE professional development once a month during the school year.
Events are free to attend online, but require registrations for each session:
Register by clicking HERE through Eventbrite.
Minds On Math records each training and these 90-minute, mini-PD sessions are available for purchase individually or collectively below.
The focus topic is Improving Number Sense, but sessions connect to all areas of math teaching and learning with instructional techniques for preschool through high school, regular classroom and intervention, targeting student needs from gifted to typical to at-risk to special education.
Each session offers grab-and-go math prompts to implement easily the very next day. Trainings highlight brain-based, cognitive science approaches to improving focus, engagement and achievement for ALL students but specific examples for students with ADHD and dyscalculia.
Jonily Zupancic

Individual Sessions
- Purchase individual sessions below for only $7 each.
Monthly Subscription
- For only $19.99 per month, you will have access to the entire Saturday Math Vault!
- All topics are listed below.
Annual Subscription
- BEST DEAL: For only $197.00 per year, you will have access to the entire Saturday Math Vault!
- All topics are listed below.
ADHD Part 1:
Rethinking ADHD
- Teaching math so that ADHD students thrive
- Self-regulation
- The Achievement Formula
- ADHD and Executive Functions
- Cognitive Science, Brain-Based approaches to teaching and learning
- Pizza Problem Reference Task
ADHD Part 2:
3 Instructional Mistakes for ADHD Students
- Why struggle is important (and why ‘bright’ students fight struggle)
- Conformity does not ensure learning
- Mistake #1: Many Math Examples
- Mistake #2: A focus on ONE
- Mistake #3: Predictability
- Creating depth, depth of understanding, depth of knowledge lessons
- Geoboard Reference Task
- Learning and the brain
ADHD Part 3:
Focusing the ADHD Brain
- Counter-intuitive approaches to triggering engagement and focus
- Components of motivation
- Parts of the brain and how senses affect learning
- There are more than 5 senses
- Staircase Reference Task
- Using Quick Dots and calendar and 120 Chart to improve math fact fluency
- How to engage struggling students with brain disconnects with sensory math
- How to maximize memory and learning for students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia and ADHD
6-Minute Math
- First 15 Days of Math and 15 Day Math Instructional Cycles
- Brain-Based learning with Cognitive Science strategies
- Prompts to stimulate math thinking, reasoning and sense-making in 6 minutes or less
- Quick Dots and other easy-to-implement math starters
How to Teach Math Better
- Carving a new path for struggling students
- Increase access to math learning
- Reversing emotional and mental obstacles to learning
- What does it ‘feel’ like to THINK? (4 color exercise)
- How metacognition affects memory
- First 15 Days
- 120 Chart Reference Task and Paper Folding to improve Number Sense
3 Math Teaching Myths
- Teaching more in less time
- How to launch the beginning of the math school year
- Myth #1: There are too many standards
- Myth #2: Following the textbook
- Myth #3: The kids don’t know the basics
- Reducing barriers to learning
- What is Number Sense?
- What Number Sense is NOT
- X and O Task
Math Fact Fluency
- A new perspective on the multiplication chart
- 2 math camps
- Simplify the Focus (what is essential?)
- Division is sharing and sharing is the FIRST operation we should teach
- Multiplication is rectangle
- Making Rectangles Reference Task
- How rectangles increase math fact fluency
Improving Number Sense with Dots
- Number Sense does not peak until age 30
- Quick Dots with 12 and twelve facts
- 120 Chart with 12’s, 3’s, 4’s
- Multi-Sensory lessons for improving math fact fluency
- Cognitive Science strategies: Retrieval Practice, Spaced Practice
- Quick Dot Reference Task: 2-Step Stair
The ONE Thing to Close Math Gaps
- SMART math teaching and learning K-12
- How the brain learns
- Making Rectangles Reference Task
- Pizza Problem Reference Task
- Student perspective is critical for math learning, engagement and focus
- Question stems to prompt thinking, reasoning and sense-making
- Neuroscience strategies to increase memory and retention of content
Essential Math Content: not all standards are created equal
- Top standards for K-12 math
- Prioritize standards to increase memory and retention
- Causes for math deficits and how to reverse
- How the brain learns vs. how math is taught
- The 3 math F-words
Ten Ways to Improve Number Sense
- Top 10 strategies for improving Number Sense
- Using Quick Dots to ‘see’ number
- How to facilitate conceptual math experiences
- The historical Locker Problem
- Maximize learning with visual, hands-on tasks
TWO Keys to Unlocking Number Sense
- High-impact tasks that are easy to implement
- Engaging students in algebraic reasoning from K-10
- Scale math achievement through 2 task-based strategies
- Foundational math experiences for consistency and progression
- Increase thinking, reasoning and sense-making in TWO ways
Got Number Sense?
- Filling math gaps while teaching grade level content
- Using the number 12 to teach multiple standards
- Conceptualizing the equation x + y = 12
- Connecting the ‘Monkeys on the bed’ situation to high school math
- Philosophical conversations about student math learning
Five Fails of Math Instruction
- Number Sense vs Math Ability
- Telling too much dis-engages the brain
- Using the strategy ‘too high, too low’ to improve estimation
- 3 keys to unlocking Number Sense
- Letting math linger to improve achievement
15-Day Math Cycles
- Starting the school year with mathematical thinking and reasoning
- Teach more in less time with a 15-day plan
- Make math joyful
- Improve thinking and reasoning in 6-minutes a day
- Creating prompts and questions to motivate and engage
- Math experience that encourage creativity
- Using curiosity to create a math classroom culture
Improving Number Sense with this ONE Problem
- Quadrant kids: assessing degree of Number Sense
- Sensory math experiences with the Pizza Problem
Improving Number Sense in 6 Minutes a Day
- A focus on fraction
- Complex Fractions in elementary
- Making fractions accessible
- Fraction notation and the visual connection
Data, Fraction, Decimal and Number Sense
- Essential standards
- Numeracy Cycle
- Prompts for encouraging thinking, reasoning and sense-making
- Exposure vs Mastery
- Improving student confidence
Improving Number Sense with the ‘W’ Pattern
- ONE task to create kindergarten through high school math progressions
- Making mathematical patterns visual
- Connecting function to visual patterns
Number Sense Cannot Be Taught
- Quick wins for improving Number Sense
- Breaking the bell curve with rich math experiences
- Solving equations with visual images
- Visual math to understand numbers
- ‘Seeing’ fractions with rectangles
Number Sense is NOT…
- Number Sense begins with Counting
- Identifying and categorizing student mathematical needs
- Instructional delivery can make or break Number Sense
Improving Number Sense with Equal and Unequal Sharing
- Conceptualizing division
- Skip counting and fraction division
- Making division accessible
- Improving Number Sense is a lifelong process
3 Categories of Math Intervention
- Math Intervention is unique in each of the 3 categories; Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3
- Intervention solutions at each level to reverse math deficits
- Counting is the key to unlocking number sense and math achievement
- Progression of counting
Improving Number Sense with 4 Equations
- Can your 4th graders solve equations with fractions
- Using equations to improve math facts
- Multi-step, variables on both sides equations for 3rd graders
- Why solve equations
- Understanding variables and unknowns
- Algebraic reasoning for Kindergarten
- Making equations with fractions accessible
- Conceptualizing equation solving
- Exposure vs Mastery
- Math notation